November 20, 2009

Dream Big

This week we watched the play "Dream Machine". I know everyone had a great time seeing it! In the play the Wright brothers followed their dreams and were able to fly the first airplane. Why do you think it is important to follow your dreams?


Justine said...

Becos it is inportint to follow your dreams so you can billt your dream mushin and try your best to billt your dream mushin and you can try it out.Becos to follow your dreams it can help you think your dream mushin then you draw it on a pease of payper then you can billt it right new.

shakala said...

If you wot your jrwm to kom trw it mit kom trw

If you want your dreams to come rues it might come true.

LAVON said...

They sing a song. We can play together. It is lunch time.

fidel said...

We the too BOR BEw A Apea i tek the WE TO FEIA ON THE APea feia be kos porn be the frs to the tow feia.

Why they build a airplane? I think they want to fly in the airplane. Imortant because they be the firt to build the airplane.

Pedro said...

i see the too bor beo a apaew i tik tay we to be a apaew.

Anonymous said...

I think it is inortant to follow dreams is becuse it myt be something youv alweas woated to be. And becuse it cluod realy hapen. And it cloud chanch everthing.

hadiyah said...

It is ipotin to foloe your dreem beeckuzs one day it mit hapen an then peepoll who bolleed you thay will bulleev you. an you will be hapeey an you will smiyooll. an wy i wood be hapeey beeckuzs thay will blleev me.

ivan said...

I gow up i whon to be a rocket becaes i love roket the rocket was fas and big fiyyr

I grow up I want to be a rocket because I love rockets. The rocket was fast and big fire.

Shanon said...

Bkos yuw jrims mit com tro an I hop min do to.

Because your dreams might come true and I hope mine some true too.

anthony said...

i wtrt my grm to kam tray . bas my grs mat tra.

I want my dream to come true. Beacuse my dream might come true.