October 16, 2009

Science Experiment

During the science experiment what did you observe?


Justine said...

wen you por the color food in the cold water or the hot water the water will chanh colors.

trinity said...

the hot water was dark and the cold water we colud see throe and it was light on the clod water at first thay look like wiggaly lightns.

trinity said...

the hot water was dark and the cold water we colud see throe and it was light on the clod water at first thay look like wiggaly lightns.

ryan said...

i see liqis that is clrs like fod clrs

lavon said...

i sodh codh wdrh in hoth rodrdr. the hth wotr was dorc.

celeste said...

wen you poire the food celr in the cold whotr it was mostle at the botem.and the hot whotr made a tnato.

fidel said...

i see th hot wotr esf gow liek tonetow.i see th cold wotr go up in go daew.

francisco said...

som r defe col. an der hot an cold was hot wor was dor. an cold wor was lit.

francisco said...

som r defe col. an der hot an cold was hot wor was dor. an cold wor was lit.

ivan said...

the cold wother you pod the blue is lit blue.

anthony said...

ct wtrt was ltro thn hot wrt was dko.

quan said...

hot wotr wus dorc the cot wod wus lit an you can selor an uo can se lor the hot grin hot wotdr an the cot wot wus droc an it sprt aot an thedoc grinsprat

hadiyah said...

the cold water mad the foodcolrs lit. and the hot water mad them darck.

shakala said...

they ar the sam kolr blow.an the lott gren git dirk gren at the botm.